Editorial: A Schoolchild's Bill of Rights

rapid review in case middle school was a long time ago: The Bill of Rights — the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution — protects every American from unwarranted government intrusions and enshrines citizens’ rights to speak and worship freely. The document, written by James Madison, distilled and displayed principles of a society liberated from tyranny. These rights flowed not vaguely to a society or individually to a monarch’s favorites but to all Americans, regardless of station or circumstance.

The Tribune’s agenda today isn’t an exercise in constitutional history. Rather, it’s a look through a comparable prism of principle at what all of us owe young Americans. As a new academic year launches and uncertainty roils Illinois’ largest school district, we set out to explore the rights of Chicago’s children — of America’s children — to a high-quality education at public expense. And, whether you’re a current student or a former one, we invite your help.

From the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune. Click here to read the rest.